Window Replacement

Do you need to have a window replaced in a tall building? You probably don’t know where to start and how to proceed with such a task, and that’s completely understandable. Before you postpone the replacement, you should know how much faulty windows cost you.

A small crack in one of your windows will significantly decrease the curb-appeal of your building and make it look worn out and old. Not to mention, the windows’ insulation deteriorates. If the windows are old, it’s most likely you’re paying a lot of extra money each month on electricity bills just to keep the building warm. All of the heat escapes from non-insulated windows, and it costs you a lot more longterm.

That’s where R.A.I.L. shines. Our abseiling team is full of professionals that specialize in high-rise window replacement, and they are ready to help you. No matter where you are in London or how tall is the building, we’ll be on the scene quickly, and we’ll be done much faster than our competition. It’s because we use abseiling instead of scaffolding (which needs a permit). We’ll finish faster than you can get a permit!

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With rope access, nothing is too high to clean. Whether it’s routine cleaning or removing graffiti, we will do it.

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Our technicians can perform painting operations on brickwork, masonry, windows, and roofs.

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Building Surveying

We offer building surveying services, including drafting, photographic recording, and more.

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Thermal insulation and water resistance will preserve the looks of your building.

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Our waterproofing service will help you make sure your roof is completely sealed at all times.

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Bird Spikes

Birds won’t disturb you if you repel them with our bird spikes. We’ll help you make sure they won’t bother you.

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Building Repairs & Maintenance

Buildings deteriorate over time and often require repairs in hard-to-reach places. We can fix them.


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At R.A.I.L. Ltd., we offer the best rope access services available in London. Take a look at all our client reviews to find out for yourself. If you find yourself in need of someone to repair, paint, or otherwise do anything with your building that involves operating at considerable heights, book our services using our online form.

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