Rope Access Cladding

In light of recent events, the matter of cladding installation is now more important than ever. Cladding was one of the main causes of the fire in Grenfell Tower last year in London – both the cladding and insulation failed the preliminary test, resulting in an insulation that was very flammable. Such situations bring attention to the matter of safety of the rest of both residential and public buildings. Claddings like the one used in Grenfell Tower were once installed on schools, offices, hospitals, office buildings, etc. So, if you are in charge of such a building and are not sure about the material the cladding is made of and, above all, what kind of insulation was used while installing it, take action and have your cladding checked.

The most important thing is to make sure that the cladding you want to use is safe, fire-resistant above all. It is not worth saving £1 on a square meter if people’s lives and possessions are at stake. Besides, it is better to do it properly the first time in order to cut cost in the future and not lose any sleep over it. If you find yourself in a need of a good quality cladding done by one of the best specialists in the town, don’t postpone it! We will perform a great service thanks to our strict safety rules that we learned while getting our CSCS and IRATA certificates. It’s also a good idea to have your cladding checked in several places to make sure it meets all the strict standards and that you can use it. If you have questions or concerns, you can always call authorities and ask for help.

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What Types Of Cladding Services We Provide?

You can choose from wood, stone, brick, metal, stainless steel or glass for a new cladding installation.

Cladding removal is not an expensive step, and it can upgrade your building to new, safer standards.

The easiest, fastest, and the most comfortable way to deal with cladding cleaning is hiring professional cladding cleaners

cladding cleaner climbing the building
Rope Access In London icon
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With rope access, nothing is too high to clean. Whether it’s routine cleaning or removing graffiti, we will do it.

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Our technicians can perform painting operations on brickwork, masonry, windows, and roofs.

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Building Surveying

We offer building surveying services, including drafting, photographic recording, and more.

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Thermal insulation and water resistance will preserve the looks of your building.

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Our waterproofing service will help you make sure your roof is completely sealed at all times.

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Bird Spikes

Birds won’t disturb you if you repel them with our bird spikes. We’ll help you make sure they won’t bother you.

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Building Repairs & Maintenance

Buildings deteriorate over time and often require repairs in hard-to-reach places. We can fix them.


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At R.A.I.L. Ltd., we offer the best rope access services available in London. Take a look at all our client reviews to find out for yourself. If you find yourself in need of someone to repair, paint, or otherwise do anything with your building that involves operating at considerable heights, book our services using our online form.

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